Post by Tom Sorensen on Mar 30, 2023 11:31:26 GMT -5
YouTuber hickok451 shooting "Oswald's rifle2" will give you a feel for the size of the gun and it's accuracy. Also the quirky clip that drops when the last round is loaded. The rifle has the authentic scope also, which is close to useless due to age, but is does show that the fixed sights were perfectly useful, and accurate, even with the scope mounted. What continues to annoy me is the claim by some high profile JFK researchers that hitting JFK with this model Carcano couldn't be done. I believe it would have indeed been a ridiculous choice of rifle for the task at hand, but it doesn't negate that the Carcano would have been adequate to get the job done. Anyway, enjoy the video!
1 Pick a few random videos and convince youself the guy knows how to hit a target! 2 I'll refrain from nitpicking a few inaccuracies that sneaked in, the point of watching the video is to see the Carcano in action and get some info on it's design.